fredag 3 september 2010

The Beginning Of The Book

In this book the auther is trowing you directly into the middle of things. 

Genre: Drama with a little comic twist.

Our expectations now is that she is going to meet this misterious boy "John" from the internet. Her secret about her identity will blow up.

Jamie is the main caracter so the hole book is from her perspective. Jamie or "Jamilah" whitch is her real name. Jamie is from Lebanon and she has her big secret witch is hard for her keep.  She is telling us a little bit about how she sees people around her. So the book is about rasism and Jamie is hiding her identity from her schoolmates because she does'nt want to be treated differently. Her dad has a lot of rules and he treats her differently compared to her sister and brother. Jamie starts talking to a guy in the internet and tells him about who she really is. 

The time and place is 21th century and it's in a part of Sidney in Australia.

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