onsdag 22 september 2010

The way it's been written

The sentences are not so long, they are pretty easy to understand.She is telling quite a lot about the persons in the book but more about their personalities. There is a lot of dialoges both from the emails and in the real world. When you read the book you can notice that Jamie/Jamilah is telling from her perspective. There are a bit difficult words but some of them you do understand because it's explained by the sentence.
    Everything is connected to her just because she is the narrator so pretty much everything is told by her.

fredag 17 september 2010

Half way through

We understand the book better now that we have read a bit more than half. In the begining you did'nt understand the story so good because you just got trown into the story, you didn't know what happend before. But now when we had followed the story you understand it more.

How relevant is the time setting really for the story?

It has to be moderntime because we discriminate people more now then we did before. It kind of started after september 11th 2001. The media effect us much and they have told us so much about bad things that muslim have done, so we belive that every muslim is the same way. Because of all this we belive that the time is relevant to the story.
We belive this could happen anywhere in the world, so place is not relevant.

onsdag 8 september 2010

What happens next?

Jamilah tells that she is an interpreters for her dad and the rest of the family. Her dad is wery bad at english when it comes to letters and bills.
   The family had a discussion about being proud of their background and at there Aunt Susan's house they had a discussion about woman rights. What we think is that the Koran is written by men from their perspective. That's why there is such a big difference between woman and men.
    One day Jamilah gets the idea that maybe she could talk her dad into letting her work at McDonald's. The reason why she wants to work there is, she thinks that it will give her more freedom and show her dad that she is ready to take responsiblility  At first her dad says a big no but he softens up and says he will think about it.
    At school Peter is flirting with Jamie and she is still trying to keep up with her image, she wants to tell Amy the truth but she is not sure if she is ready to take that risk.
    She tells John about the ten things she hates about herself and he tells about why he hates his dad.


fredag 3 september 2010

The Beginning Of The Book

In this book the auther is trowing you directly into the middle of things. 

Genre: Drama with a little comic twist.

Our expectations now is that she is going to meet this misterious boy "John" from the internet. Her secret about her identity will blow up.

Jamie is the main caracter so the hole book is from her perspective. Jamie or "Jamilah" whitch is her real name. Jamie is from Lebanon and she has her big secret witch is hard for her keep.  She is telling us a little bit about how she sees people around her. So the book is about rasism and Jamie is hiding her identity from her schoolmates because she does'nt want to be treated differently. Her dad has a lot of rules and he treats her differently compared to her sister and brother. Jamie starts talking to a guy in the internet and tells him about who she really is. 

The time and place is 21th century and it's in a part of Sidney in Australia.